Emily Thi-Ly Hunt
February 2009
Age 7 Years
Holy guacamole, what a busy month.  Having a retired
Daddy really opens up more time to do stuff.

Use the links at the top and bottom of each page for navigation
click on image to enlarge


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Emily Got An Award 
At School
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Emily Worked on 
Her Mini-Biography
biography.jpg 39.8K
Emily Read her
Writings at School
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Emily Became A Rock Wall Climber At The Gym
climber.jpg 77.0K
Emily Practiced her
NinjaTM Moves
ninja-ninja286.jpg 81.5K
Emily Went To Her
 Favorite Park
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Emily Did Funny Hair Day at School
Funny Hair Day
Emily Started Riding The Bus Home From School
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PLUS (as if she needed to do more) The Usual Swimming Lessons
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