Emily Thi-Ly Hunt
2002 Annual Progress Report 
Child's Vietnamese Name: Nguyen Thi Ly
Date of Birth: 14 October 2001
Province of Birth: Hanoi - Phuong Hang Bong
Orphanage: Cau Giay Feeding Center for Orphans and Malnourished Children, Hanoi
Adoption approved by Decision no. 571/QHDT from date: 08 May 2002 of the Hanoi People’s Committee

Full Name of Adoptive Parents: Frank H. Hunt, Jr. and Mary C. Hunt
Child's Name after Adoption:     Emily Thi-Ly Hunt

Emily has been with us since 07 May 2002 and in that time she has found her way into our hearts. We recently celebrated her first birthday with family and friends and are looking forward to the next year when she will begin to walk and talk.

We have begun to acquaint Emily with her cultural background in several ways: first, we play a Vietnamese language tape for her. While she does not yet understand the words, she listens intently. We intend do enroll her in a Vietnamese language class when she is a bit older. Second, we read to her from a book entitled "When You Were Born In Vietnam". The book has many pictures and stories about Vietnam. Finally, we are seeking out other families in our area who have children from Vietnam.

Her developmental progress, with few exceptions, is appropriate for her age and is in keeping with that of a USA born child. She:

  • Pulls herself up to a standing position with the assistance of a table or other furniture
  • Can walk if her arms are held for balance
  • Says "Mama", "Baba" and is becoming very verbal
  • Picks up small objects with her hands
Emily is a good eater and is beginning to eat more solid food like fruits, pasta, some meats and vegetables.

Since Emily came to us, our lives have changed in so many wonderful ways. Her smiley face and the joy of watching her daily discoveries make each day brighter for us. The adoption process was long and tedious, but all the paperwork and waiting was worth it.

We have enclosed photos of the following:

  1. Emily with her big brother Bill and big sister Elisa
  2. Emily on vacation at the pool with Elisa
  3. Frank, Emily and Mary at Emily's birthday party
  4. Emily laughing