Jackson School 2009 - 2010
Ms. Guiterrez' Second Grade Class
These collages were generated from pictures taken throughout the school year
Use the links at the top and bottom of each page for navigation
click on collage to enlarge

andrew.jpg 84.4K
ann.jpg 100.3K
anurag.jpg 37.0K
ashley.jpg 92.0K
austin m.jpg 56.1K

austin s.jpg 74.8K

bella.jpg 69.8K

brady.jpg 100.6K

emily.jpg 120.6K
ethan.jpg 62.4K

gabby.jpg 119.4K

hanna.jpg 102.4K

isaac.jpg 84.8K

isiah s.jpg 72.4K

isiah.jpg 89.3K
james.jpg 54.5K
jenna.jpg 86.0K
john.jpg 48.0K
johnathan.jpg 70.2K
justin.jpg 82.3K
kasia.jpg 82.6K
luda.jpg 90.9K
marisol.jpg 111.9K
matthew.jpg 99.5K
olivia.jpg 81.6K
patrick.jpg 73.3K

rebekah.jpg 72.6K

rithika.jpg 107.3K

romel.jpg 74.3K

tom.jpg 86.9K
vanessa.jpg 89.7K